
Why You Should Totally Do Baby Photography at Home

So, you have a baby, cute enough you want to snap a photo of him every single time he smiles (or cry too! Even crying looks so funny and cute sometimes. Look, the keyword is sometimes.), and recreate those cute baby images you see online with your baby? Well, at least that's how I want to do it. If you feel the same, you're not alone.

But getting photos taken in studio can be expensive. Think of the cost they have to invest in the gears, studio rental, accessories, utilities, salary of the staffs etc. You're paying the professionals so that they do the hard work for you. So everything comes with the price.

If, you're willing to do some works here, I'd suggest you to do it yourself, and these are whys you should do it.

1. Cost 
Of course, we will talk money. We're discussing this point with one condition--that is, you have a relatively reasonably good camera in the first place.

From there onwards, all you need is to invest in costumes. There are a lot of available costumes nowadays, all you have to do is shopping. Effortlessly through your computer.

Cheaper options, taobao.com.
Advantages: Cheap, closer to home (China to Malaysia or Singapore)
Disadvantages: Little choices. Mostly are for rental instead of sale. But it doesn't mean you should give up trying. There are still a lot of hidden gems.

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2 costumes 2 rugs from taobao, cost RM70 (including shipping)

More expensive options, amazon.com.
Advantages: A lot more choices, A LOT
Disadvantages: More expensive. And no international shipment. You'll have to rely on VPost (Singapore only) to get this. Extra cost on shipment.

You won't need a lot of costume for your baby. First of all, costumes only last for a short while, few months if not few weeks. Secondly, babies are usually lack of patience. You won't have a chance to change him more than two costumes at a session to take beautiful pictures. Thirdly, after a while you prefer daily casual shots because that is a real record of baby's growth and progress.

Buy those you really like, or those really mean something to you. For example, The Man plays baseball so I bought a baseball costume for baby. (I'm still looking for Star Wars costume!)

Advantages of having the costumes on your own? You can keep for your second child maybe? You could also rent it out if you really have a lot. You could also sell them. Most importantly, you assure yourself the costumes are clean. No sharing with others and wash before use.

2. Baby with mood
Parents, let's face it! Babies have their moods. They're wonderful on their ups, and terrible on their downs.

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Crying is part of the parcel

Photo sessions with studio or photographer mean you will have to make appointments. Say for example, on average, your baby seems to be happier in the morning. You made an appointment with the photographer for morning session. Dang! When the day comes, baby is cranky and all and you can't change the slots because this famous photographer is fully booked. So, you went anyway...

Fill in the blanks on your own imagination, I could only picture the worst.

At home, you can do it anytime when you feel the timing is right.

3. Convenience and hygiene
See all the nude pictures of baby on the web and really want to do one? Think again!

Babies poo and pee a lot. A lot! And they don't tell you before they do. Pee and poo can come anytime during the session and you'll need a change. And you'll start to wonder how clean was the costumes and rugs that were used on your baby. How many babies pee there before yours? How well the studio clean them?

If that happens at home, you are rest assured they're in good hands (Well, your own hands).

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Baby pee on the bed after this tortoise session

4. Room for error
The photo session wasn't working this morning? No problem, try another time because you're the photographer.

The set up wasn't great on screen? No problem, do more homework tonight and try next week when you get the props right. Because you have the props.

The weather sucks? Well, wait another day.

You have all your time to do it right. And practice makes perfect. After a while, you'll master the skills to set up, change, pose, make baby smile and laugh, keep baby occupied, take pictures all on your own.

5. Fun
If you like photography, this is something fun to experiment :)


Santa Baby 圣诞宝宝

歌仔都有得唱啦, 12 days of Christmas, so it's not too late to dress my baby up in the little Santa costume that I've got from amazon.com.

These costumes are not shipped internationally. I have to trouble my best friend in the States to receive the goods on my behalf, and mail them to me. Well, at least that was the initial plan. The goods were delivered late to my friend, it was almost Christmas. With the surge of business in post during festive season, and the very "efficient" Malaysia POS, we knew Santa costume will not make it before Christmas. May not even make it before New Year.

Luckily, my friend's very kind parents who visited her offered to bring these back in their luggages. I was really paiseh to trouble them because they've already helped me with a huge iRobot, and now, another three set of costumes!!!! Very paiseh and at the same time very thankful!

So here we are, able to make it within the 12 days of Christmas.

Santa baby says "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!"

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Santa baby warming up

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Come, santa baby bring you gift :)

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Enjoying the furry rug

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Deep in thoughts, as usual

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Ok, I'm finally done here, can 收工啦~~

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Have a great year ahead!


Merry Christmas Everybody!

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First Christmas

On my first Christmas, mommy shopped high and low for a giant stocking. She can't seem to find a suitable sized stocking. They're either too little or too huge. At the end, she made do with the extra large one, because you know, bigger is better than smaller.

Because it's way too big, she's scared that she might suffocate me accidentally while taking photos of me. Anyhow, we both survived the ordeals of getting them done.

My mommy also bought a santa costume for me but they're not here yet. I wonder how would I look like in the santa costume, I think I'm gonna be sexy~

Stay tuned for my santa photoshoot within this 12 days of Xmas :)

Meanwhile, have a very merry Christmas!

Hottest Gift of the Year

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Baby & Mickey

My baby boy has a best friend, already in such early stage of his life.

It's Mickey!

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Baby and best friend

We bought this Mickey before he's born. I insisted I want to buy a Mickey even though the Man thinks Mickey is a little girlish. (Even though it's Mickey! )

I have fond memories of Mickey, not because he's my favourite Disney character, but he's my little brother's best friend too when he's a little baby. His little Mickey was carried and hugged 24/7. (from the beginning of the post till this point, I was carrying the baby with my left hand and typing with my right) The little Mickey was hugged so much, it's flatten totally. Till the end of it's lifespan, the Mickey became so smelly and ugly, no kidding.

Within the first month of baby's life, we noticed he kinda like his Mickey. Maybe because it has the most striking colours among the toys he has. So when we flew back to hometown, we decided Mickey must come along.

At 1.5months old, baby started to become chatty. And every night, he chats with Mickey, complains to Mickey what have we done to him during the day time. It's so cute.

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"Hey Mickey, talk to me, I'm talking to you, look at me!"

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"Let me tell you some silly things my mom did"

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"What do you think she's doing?"

Maybe I should upload the videos one day :)



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看样子还是挺舒服的 (宝宝的胎毛还是很多)

其实,一个人帮宝宝拍照真的不容易。手脚要很快,担心拖久了他就不耐烦,哭起来就不好啦!一个人,负责脱衣,穿衣,摆好姿势,再拿相机……慌!不过,宝宝他真的很意外的合作。呵呵 :)

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最怕的,还是宝宝他小便。毕竟,脱个清光,天气又凉凉的,毛毯毛毛的很痒啊!拍完以后,妈妈我已经满身大汗。才把他抱起来,想转身拿尿片帮他换,嘘……撒尿撒满床!悲啊 T.T




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依据BabyCenter的解说,只要宝宝晚上可睡5-6小时,就称之为sleep through the night。根据这个解释,宝贝一个半月就已经sleep through the night。但对我来说,好像还不是呢!半夜三点钟起床不算咯!如果可睡上7个小时,我可乐了!(悄悄说,今天睡了7个小时。但是我不知道是不是因为吃了化痰药才那么好睡,有待观察)

他两个月大了,也就意味着我这个pump mother已经进入第三个月。当初以为第一个月之后就会停止,不知不觉时间还是过了。会喂到几时还不知道。现阶段住在家里,事事有人帮忙,要pump也没那么难。将来回到新加坡,看来就比较困难了。倒是整个大白天,就是我和宝贝对望,有没有时间pump,这真难说。至于latch on的训练,暂时还是不太成功。这小瓜进步了,他也不吸,也不哭,就是不动,傻傻的和我对望。望久了,我也没办法,就放弃!真厉害!


My Breastfeeding Journey as of Now

Breastfeeding has begun to pick up its popularity in recent years. It's said to be the best that a mother can give to her baby, so much so sometimes it creates stress to some mothers.

My little one stayed one extra night in hospital while I was discharged due to jaundice. During the particular extra day, he was fed formula and some of my expressed breastmilk through syringe. Since then, he hates my nipples.

It has been difficult for him to suck properly because my nipples are a little short and flat. And ever since the extra night he stayed, he refused to latch on. He has "evolved" so much from our breastfeeding training sessions, towards the end he cried on the first sight I took off my clothes! What a clever boy, I was frustrated but at the same time found it very funny! (You've got to learn how to make some jokes out of yourself)

Then, I became an exclusively pump mother. It's hard sometimes because the supply is not as much as we want. And even baby has started to sleep 5 hours straight at times, I can only get at most 4 hours. And there are so much work after pump, the washing and sanitising,  and the caring for my precious breasts.

So many problems come along with breastfeeding, blocked duct, nipple crack, sore nipples, abrasion etc. I've had all of them in one month and before my son even reached his full month I've already considered stopping. But like all mothers, we believe it's the best, we hesitated. Then, things got better and I continued.

Every single time I have problems with my nipples, I doubt myself, how long will I continue. How many times should I endure such hardship? How much is enough? However, at times I do feel good about being a pump mother, when I feel tired or when I need to be out, my family can just warm the milk that I've pumped and stored to feed. I do not have to be the only one to care for him.

My helpful friends added me into some of the breastfeeding groups on Facebook. Sometimes I found some helpful notes but after a very short time I found it super annoying, 99% of the time. A lot of the mothers are highly against the idea of formula feed. They condemned mothers who top up with formula milk, as if the mothers are the worst mothers of all. My mother fed us with formula, full formula, all the three of us. We grew up just fine and we're all having very close relationship with my mother. And I think my mother is the best!

There's nothing wrong with formula milk! Please do not make mothers who feed the baby formula milk any worse than a fully breastfeed one. Breastfeeding does not come easy for all the women, so do respect them for whatever reason they've decided to stop.

The most fulfilling part of being a mother, now I'm one of them, is to see my baby grow well. The best moment of all, is my baby smile to me happily and wanting to play with me. All these, have nothing to do with breastmilk or formula.

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At his 7th week, he's all happy to play with me :)

Whether you formula feed or breastfeed your baby, most importantly is to have good communication with your family members, especially the husband for best support.

My man has the best philosophy about feeding the baby, he says, "If you're too tired and you're facing so much problems, you won't be well enough to take care of yourself and the baby. Life is not just about pumping milk. As long as it's taking its toll on you, stop it."

I'm still a pump mother now. I do not know how long I'd like to carry on but I know I will not feel any guilt when I decided to wean. Nobody should.



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生完孩子以后,麻醉药的side effect再加上太累,我整整吐了三次。吐出来的,都是深青色的胃酸。(e_e)







小宝宝应该是知道谁会把他宠坏,谁会在他哭泣的时候不管什么事情,就先把他抱起来再说。外婆的声音和拥抱,就像魔术一样,可以瞬间把哭泣的宝宝,安抚下来。他好像就是等着那一刻,等他的靠山来救他。 我们在家,都管妈妈叫“magic”,少爷的magic。

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Cutest Thing

I personally think a baby's yawn is the cutest thing of all.

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I'm 19 Days Old

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19 days old

Hi everybody, I'm Bey Jr.

Everybody has been anticipating my arrival on 25th of September, however, I stayed cuddle in my mommy's belly for additional 5 days until her doctor successfully induced the labour, after trying hard for two days.

I've caused so much suffer and pain to my mommy, she was in pain for 12 hours before my head pop out with gynae's warm welcome. My mommy has lost all the strength to push after 12 hours in labour and only 2 slices of bread before all these have started. My head was stuck at the exit point for too long and my heartbeat dropped. It made everybody in the delivery room so concerned, especially my papa. Doctor finally called for more people to help my mommy. At least a team of 10 were helping mommy to push me through the exit point.

The moment I came out, papa and mommy can't help to notice I was partially covered with my own shit. Mommy was relieved I was crying even though not hard enough, and she was also relieved all these 12 hours pain had finally come to an end. She was so funny she was laughing and crying at the same time. I think she's confused of what she should be feeling.

I looked funny the moment I was born. My head was pointy like an alien after suffering through the birth canal (mommy, you should have pushed harder and faster!), the nurses assured my papa my head will return to normal.

Now that I'm 19 days old, I started to understand things more clearly. I know how to wail for things I want, for example, milk, milk now! And I demand to be cleaned fast, faster and faster! Why are my mommy and papa cleaning me so slow?!!!!

At times, when they have done everything right, I reward them with 15-20 minutes of peace, by staring at them, listening to them singing to me.

When they can't handle me, when everything fails, they bring me to Ah Ma, somehow Ah Ma's voice calm me down faster than anything. I bully my mommy and papa, but I can't bully my Ah Ma.

But no matter what, I know they love me. And I love them too!



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Due Date

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其实,宝宝稍稍迟点出来对我来说也无所谓,只要确保他还在我肚子里快乐的拳打脚踢,我倒是乐得轻松。和妈妈这里逛街,那里吃饭。还把整季的“爸爸去哪儿”看完了(而且,每晚都看到很迟才睡!)。这些都是难得多出来的时间。该感谢宝宝才是 :)








今天?好好享受这个多出来得闲日 :)


I'd be Lying if I said I'm not Worry

At 32 weeks onwards, the little baby in my tummy was scanned to be at smaller size. At that point of time, I wasn't super worry because I think all babies come out in different sizes. Some small and cute, some come out to be giant baby (myself). And we have a range of different sizes at home, so I think it's all normal to begin with.

However, yesterday, my 37 weeks and 5 days, the scan show the amniotic fluid is at the borderline low of the scale. How low is low? Well I checked some information on the internet, 5th percentile at 37 weeks should be 7.5cm, and I was measured to be on 7.6cm.

Doctor told me it's not alarmingly low but I do have to have more rest. Rest well, drink well, eat well. So I was given two days MC to stay at home and do nothing. And will be scanned again tomorrow. And as usual, track if my baby is moving in my tummy.

To be honest, after the particular visit yesterday, I'm turning into a paranoid mom who keeps poking the tummy to make sure baby is moving and responding to the external activities, i.e. poking the tummy, massaging tummy, and music. When he's not responding immediately, I kept thinking, shall I see the doctor?

I'm really turning into a paranoid mom.

Then I started to play my piano. We had this piano since last week and I noticed baby dances to it a lot so I start playing after lunch. And he did respond to it well, so I kept playing and playing...

Baby, please hang on. We're in this together, we can make it and you'll be healthy.


Banana Bread or Banana Cake?

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Banana Bread? Cake?

My favourite cake is always butter cake. Plain, I like my food plain.

I like my "ham chim peng" kosong.
I like my "gong zai peng" kosong.
I like my scones just butter scones.
I like my mooncake just lotus or red bean paste without the egg yolks.
I like my chocolate just pure dark chocolate.
I like my coffee dark or with milk, no other additives.
I like my milk just fresh milk, no flavoring.
I like...

I think you've got the idea.

But, it'll be pretty boring if I continuously bake ONLY butter cake.

Browsing through Pinterest and Flipboard everyday, and somehow, I landed myself with banana bread. Yes, that's what they call it in the recipe. But as I read through them, I just can't call them bread, they look more and cake to me.

But no matter what you want to call them, bread or cake. I baked them.

I used 5 fully ripen bananas and they turned out really fragrant. I wish they're more moist than the version of recipe that I follow, perhaps I shall make another version next time. If I've got the time.

I've tried to eat the banana cake/bread with a little cream cheese, they actually go quite well together :)

Here's the version of recipe I followed.


No-Bake Cheesecake

It isn't a Monday Blue today! It's replacement holiday at work, for Singapore National Day fell on Saturday. It makes me love Monday so much, well, just for today.

And I made myself busy in kitchen again.

Ever since one month ago, when blueberries are constantly on sales, 3 punnets for $6.XX, I have had so much blueberries. It's packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and myth has it to help burning fats, what a super fruits isn't it? Sounds great for a preggie, so why not?

I've had blueberries with oats, with cereals, with toasts, with pancakes, in smoothies! And today I decided to make them into no frills no bake cheesecake.

I've followed recipe from The Frustrated Chef, and as usual for a first time trial, I cut it into half recipe. And I cut down the sugar even further.

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The one thing I would change with the recipe is to add lemon zest and lemon juice into the filling for more flavour. I actually wanted to do that, but I kinda made this whole thing in a rush because I am in short of time to go out for lunch with The Man.

Lesson, do not make anything in a rush.

I did make some changes to the filling though. I was cooking the blueberry while mixing the ingredients together. When the ingredients are mixed well, I fold the blueberry "jam" (without the fruits, just the gooey juice) into the mixture. Just lightly fold them, to create some flavour into the fillings. I didn't want the fillings to turn purple.

It turned out pretty good I would say.
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Closer Look 

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No bake no frills blueberry cheesecake

As I didn't plan to make a lot of them, I found a very useful tips from the internet, to make the small little cheesecake in cupcake mold. Place the cling wrap into each of the cupcake mold before you press the crust into them, as shown below. With that, when the cheesecake is chilled and formed, you can simply lift them with the cling wrap, and serve them on a plate.

By the way, the half recipe yielded about 6-8 cheesecake of this size.

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Cheesecake in cupcake mold

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I'm gonna be so fat...

Every time I cook or bake something, after I take pictures of them, I have to eat them, because most of the time I've destroyed them. With so many food that I've tried so far, I really do not wish to know how much fat have I gained!


When Another Life is Growing From What You Eat

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Healthy tidbits anyone?

So how does it feel when it comes to food, when you're eating for two?

It kinda... sucks...

You know when you eat for yourself, you probably eat anything you want. You might occasionally feel the guilt for eating too sinful and see the weighing machine number shoots up. The tinge of guilt is all about it.

But when you're pregnant, everything changes!

You make sure you don't go hungry.

You make sure you're eating enough fibers, because constipation is the last thing you want.

You make sure you take protein, calcium, iron, folate, vitamins, omega3... And hoping you're intaking them in balance. Ugh! How do you even tell??!!

You make sure you're drinking milk or yogurt everyday.

You make sure you cut down processed food, or at least try freakingly hard! :P

You make sure you are far away from the no-no foods, whether they're scientifically proven or probably just myths!

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Wine? No no, you can either pour in some grape juice to pretend you're drinking one, or use it decoratively :)

You make sure...

And the list just goes on and on...

At this time, mixed nuts have become my usual healthy tidbits. I'm actually a potato chips girl, I always eat potato chip because they're sooo sooooo delicious. And I like them to go with hummus dip or salsa dip!

But as pregnancy goes along, I've tried my very best to make friends with nuts (by going nuts), with occasion irresistible indulgence of potato chips.

The hardest part? The doctor advised you not too get too heavy in case the baby is growing too much and you'll have a hard time during the D-Day. And then it turns out, hey, baby a little too slim >.<

Food, a love-hate relationship!



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  1. 三文鱼,约一百克
  2. 土豆,一颗(小颗的)
  3. 干贝,一颗
  4. 米,三格
  5. 水,四杯
  6. 麻油,一汤匙
  7. Furikake,少许,随你所意
  8. 盐和胡椒,少许
  1. 土豆和三文鱼洗净切小块。
  2. 用少许盐和胡椒腌制三文鱼。
  3. 把水煮开,把土豆和干贝放进滚水,小火煮至少20分钟。
  4. 之后,把米倒进,小火煮至少10分钟。
  5. 把腌制的三文鱼放进粥里,煮5分钟。
  6. 倒入麻油,搅拌之后,把盖子关上,焖5分钟。
  7. 把粥倒入碗里,撒上furikake,即可食用。

简单吧!而且有营养 :)




好多人喜欢问我,你准备好了吗?嗯,想想一下,还没有。我的房间还堆得满满的宝宝的东西,小衣服、小裤子、纸尿布、袜子、手套、还有各种各样亲朋戚友送的小礼物,各式各样都还原原本本的装在箱子或袋子里,没有拆封,没有清洗 (-_-) 柜子放满了,就放在床上,床上不够位子,放地上。这种时间,真的不能让人探望,凌乱程度会让人窒息。


喘 (−_−;)



31-32周期间,我也开始水肿 (T_T),非常讨厌。有时间就得做做甩甩脚的运动,坐着的时候尽量把脚垫高,尽量走动,可以的话就喝喝红豆汤(有帮助消除水肿)。昨天也从机场买了一瓶同事介绍的Clarins的Anti-Eau Body Treatment Oil。据说,每晚用这个按摩,可以帮忙消除水肿。很贵,但是,我也尽管试试。




I Should Make This if I Ever Go Picnic

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My latest obsession

My latest obsession lies in peas & beans salad, and pancakes.

Today, I've decided to make this salad with new addition, the kidney beans. It turns out well! The recipe is exactly the same as chickpea salad I made last week, even the dressing is exactly the same.

But one thing to admit, it's easy and simple to make, but it's not quick. Too  many things to chop (the onions, the tomatoes, the cucumber) and green peas to boil and beans & chickpeas to toast. It helps to have a super chopper that I recently purchased online. That makes the idiot like me chop like a pro.

I have plenty of all these ingredients, therefore I made a bigger batch this time and store them in the fridge. The next time I want to eat them (which is tomorrow), I will only need to whip up the dressing and sprinkle on the parsley.

I love this salad, I think I should definitely bring this if I ever go to picnic. (In my dream! Who the hell go to picnic in such inhumane weather!)


Of Sweat

My body is built up by different elements than the others, one way or another, which makes sweat comes so easily, effortlessly.

It always seems like I'm constantly heated up. I sweat so easily to the extend I've learned to ignore my sweat, they'll dry up anyway when I got into air-conditioned room. So, whatever.

But, have you ever heard of the pregnancy myth that says pregnant woman sweats a lot more? Don't hesitate on that, it's certainly true! Damn!

I haven't felt much differences up till 6 months pregnant. But by now, I perspire by sitting around the room, as long as I'm not under that high powered fan. Some days it's so freaking hot, I can't live without air-conditioner. And I'm truly convinced that air-conditioner made to the no.1 best invention to human's life ever in this modern world!!

If air-conditioner made into no.1, washing machine and dryer must have come next. With this new pregnancy symptom, not only the air-con/fan are constantly switched on, I have to do more laundry than ever. I kept changing clothes so often, I have to wash them much more often than before.

Besides, I use handkerchief at home to wipe my sweats (my friend told me just use towel), especially after yoga or after spending even a few minutes in the kitchen, perhaps just to make a glass of smoothie. Imagine the scene where I cook 3 Chinese stir fry dishes, or baking a cake, or cooking a soup, or worse -- having clothes in dryer, cake baking in oven, soup simmering on stove or slow cooking, all at once in the kitchen! That actually happened before, and I was drenched like I ran home in rain.

The Man tried to convince me that we can install a fan in the kitchen, but I refused. It's really sweet that he's such thoughtful but the potential of oily blades on fan really put me off. Besides, I kept telling him, it's going to be temporary, 2 months later, I'm off pregnant, and I think my condition will get back to normal. Well, my normal, not your normal. That means still sweat, just lesser extend compared to what I have now.

I shouldn't have stayed in tropical countries...


Nigella's Bread Pudding

I can't tell for sure if it's a good thing to always turn on Asian Food Channel or Food Network. The perk is that I get to try some recipes, or ask my mom to try :P. The downside of it is that I think sooner or later, we'll see the increasing waistline, which is bad, soooooo bad!

But, I still try them anyway. (And always end up with guilt and more exercise)

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Well baked bread pudding

It was actually a chocolate chip bread pudding. I didn't have any chocolate chips, so I decided, heck it, I'll try them anyway. The recipe also calls for rum, but of course a pregnant woman should stay away from alcohol. So no no to rum.

I have stale bread, I have enough French baguette to make this. So really, what the heck, try them anyway!

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Imagine eating the hot sumptuous dish in a winter night... But I can only imagine 

I never liked pudding to be honest, but a home made one wasn't that bad because I get to control how sweet I want them to be. I would prefer them to be slightly dryer, I guess I'll reduce the custard the next time I make this. And I'm sure gonna put in some chocolates.

However, with or without the chocolate chips, they smell really great!

(Perhaps this can be in my yearly Christmas party menu. In which, I highly doubt the possibility of holding one this year)


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  1. 鸡肉块
  2. 蘑菇 Brown button mushrooms
  3. 大葱
  4. 鸡精块或者鸡汤
  5. Cooking cream
  6. 白酒
  7. 白米饭
  8. Mozzarella & Cheddar Cheese
  1. 把鸡肉块切片,用少许盐和胡椒腌制至少半个小时。若时间允许,两个小时更好。
  2. 之后,把白米洗净,放进电饭煲里烹煮。
  3. 同时,把电炉调到180度C。
  4. 把大葱切小块,把蘑菇切片。
  5. 热锅,先把蘑菇下锅。把蘑菇炒至水分蒸发,表面呈深褐色。然后起锅,把蘑菇暂放一边。
  6. 大葱下锅,炒至软化以后,把腌制好的鸡肉块翻炒。
  7. 鸡肉炒熟了以后,把先前炒好的蘑菇再下锅。倒入少许白酒,让白酒蒸发以后,再倒入cooking cream,加入鸡精块。
  8. 转小火,让酱汁在锅里浓化后,才熄火。
  9. 把煮好的白米饭盛进oven proof的盛器,把锅里的蘑菇鸡肉和酱汁均匀的倒在白米饭上。
  10. 然后,撒上芝士。
  11. 再放进电炉烤25-30分钟。




Pancakes for Breakfast

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American pancakes for breakfast (taken with iPhone)

What's better than waking up on weekends with prepared batter for pancakes? Well, prepared breakfast!

For my case, there will only be prepared batter. I couldn't resist to buy a 600ml of butter milk from supermarket yesterday. I've came across this so many times when buying milk or yogurt in chilled section but never bought. I'm curious but never try.

And then, I watched French Food at Home by Laura Calder yesterday morning, and saw how she used butter milk to make one of the most beautiful scrambled eggs with it. And I thought, well, why not?

That's how the 600ml butter milk ended up in my fridge.

Before I moved on to the scrambled egg, I saw the blueberry pancakes recipes on the butter milk packaging. I did not have enough blueberries in the fridge for the flavoured pancakes, so I made the plain versions of it, and to go with the blueberries that have left in fridge.

Let me share the amended version recipe here:

Ingredients (for 10 pancakes):

  1. 1.5 cups self raising flour
  2. 2 tbsp caster sugar
  3. 375ml butter milk
  4. 1 egg, lightly beaten
  5. 1 tbsp melted butter
  1. Sift flour into a bowl.
  2. Add sugar, butter milk, egg and butter. (Make sure all the ingredients are in room temperature)
  3. Beat and mix the ingredients until the batter is smooth.
  4. Preheat a non stick pan, and oil then pan over a medium heat.
  5. Cook the pancake one at a time by pouring the batter with a ladle.
  6. Cook the pancakes until bubbles appear in the uncooked batter. Then, turn the pancake over and cook until golden.
  7. Serve with maple syrup or honey with butter.
  8. Also, top with any fruits you'd like.

(P.S. One thing to take note of, please do not try to fry the pancakes with butter, it'll turn out like the darker one in the picture)

Potage Parmentier

How on Earth did I even come into this dish that sounded so pretentious -- Potage Parmentier?? What does it mean anyway?

It happened on one lazy afternoon at home in Penang. I sat down with my Mom at the garden, both reading on our own. I was supposed to read "Cloud Atlas", but my "pregnant shrunk brain" couldn't take the literacy and sophisticated writing style no more. So I switch to "Julie & Julia" which I simply took from my sister's shelf.

Potage Parmentier, according to Julie, simply means potato and leak soup. Julie had described how simple and easy to make this fantastic no frill soup, how she and Eric (her husband) cleaned the pot! That's how, I decided to try.

Because, potatoes are my favourite!

And, it seems easy!

I do not have Julia Child's recipe books, so I googled. And I read a few blogs before I decided which to use. (List of blogs: Popsugar, The Doctor's Kitchen, food.com)

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First trial of potage parmentier (taken with iPhone)
The soup turned out okay, not fantastic just okay. I used chicken stock as suggested so I didn't add any salt. But The Man thought I could have added some, it's still bland for his taste bud. But to me, it's just nice, I didn't like it too salty.

As we swept clean the entire pot (that is something good about The Man, even the food wasn't fantastic, he will always help me to sweep them clean!), we found there was a bitter after taste. So, I googled again after the meal. And I found out I'm not supposed to cook the green leafy part of the leek! Because, guess what, they're BITTER!

Dumb nook!

So now I know what's the problem, perhaps I shall cook it again next week? (^.^)

I bet the second one will be even better :)


Chickpea Salad

Chickpea is one of my favourite food. I like chickpea so much I can have completely vegetarian chickpea sandwich (I'm generally a carnivore). I always order a chickpea curry from my favourite Indian stall when we go there for lunch during weekdays. And I adore the hummus dip that my uncle made for us to go along with potato chips.

Chickpeas!!! Yummy!!

Good thing they have never stopped pregnant woman from eating chickpeas. And I've tried to make chickpea pasta salad and chickpea salad recently. I love both of them but let me share chickpea salad here.
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Chickpea Salad for dinner

Ingredients (I made a big bowl for myself as dinner):

  1. Chickpea (~1/3 of a 400g can of chickpea)
  2. A handful of green peas. If you like to have sweeter addition in your salad, just add more peas
  3. 5-10 Cherry tomatoes, depending on the sizes (In this case I bought tomato amoroso from Cold Storage, it's very expensive but it's really delicious. 15 tomatoes for $4.95!)
  4. Half of a Japanese cucumber
  5. Half of an onion
  6. A handful of parsley, chopped
For the dressing:
  1. 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  2. 1 tbsp of Balsamic vinegar
  3. 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  4. A clove of smashed garlic
  5. Pinch of salt
  6. Pinch of pepper
  7. 1-2 tbsp of lemon juice
  1. Cook the green peas in boiling water for one minute, wash them with cold water to prevent further cooking
  2. Toast the chickpeas in a pan for a few minutes
  3. Dice ingredients 3-5 into small cubes
For the dressing:
  1. Mix all the ingredients for dressing in a bowl and whisk them to ensure they mix well
Put all the ingredients in a bowl, throw the smashed garlic away from the dressing before mixing in. You can keep this in fridge to serve them cold too.

If you do not like the strong pungent smell from onions, you could sauté them before adding into the salad. I've tried both raw and sauté, and I personally prefer the raw onions. It's all up to your preference. 

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Love the colours

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Most of the chickpea salads on the internet use feta cheese for toppings. But due to the fact that pregnant women should stay away from soft cheese, I referred a few recipes and came out with this version of my own. I would definitely love to eat the ones with feta cheese. But oh well, I'll just have to wait for a few more months.

Try it if you want something healthy and filling at the same time =)


My Pregnancy Progress

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Changes from second to third trimester

My mom hates the fact that pregnant women post their bare tummy photos, but I'm doing it, right here right now.

I think it's kinda funny and weird at the same time to see the changes. The first time I took the photo at week 17, was upon request of my best friend. She doesn't have the chance to see me in real person, so occasionally she would ask me how big I am, and I would take a picture of myself and send to her. And soon, it becomes a habit (even though I didn't try to keep it every week), I managed to take 8 so far.

The tummy really ballooned upon third trimester. I wonder how I could survive the 40 weeks pregnancy. How heavy would I be? How big can I be?

To be completely honest, I didn't feel very pregnant from first to second trimester. I carried on my life like usual, except for those delicious foods that I don't get to eat. But as time creeps into third trimester, I really feel "I'm so freaking pregnant!", and life starts to get scary. All the baby shopping we need to do... And all the money we have to spend. The most scary of all, all the wailings we're going to face.

I've moved on from reading a pregnancy book, to a nursing book. That's how fast the pregnancy feels!

I constantly tell my baby to be stay in my belly patiently. To grow properly, and also to give us some time to really prepare everything upon his arrival :P (The room is in a complete mess!)

10 more weeks to go, wish me luck!


A Dozen of Sins

You have the right to say that I'm chocolate overdose over the few days since last weekend. I simply have too many cooking chocolates in the fridge. I have cooking chocolate bars, semi sweet chocolate chips, dark chocolate chunks... I am kinda determined to finish them :P

So, today I made chocolate cookies after the breakfast (Psst, guess what we had for breakfast, the chocolate toast!)
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Totally sinful
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A dozen of sins
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Goes well with a glass of milk
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Gave in to the temptation, ate as I took photos
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Now you see, now you don't!

I won't say it's the best in town, but I can surely tell you it's quite decent cookies for a first timer. I think it can be less sweet, I've already reduced the sugar amount compared to what is being recommended, but I think I can reduce further more.

Anyway, this is the recipe. The full recipe yields 2 dozen of cookies. As usual, for a first time, I'll make only half recipe, so therefore, I have a dozen of sins sitting in my kitchen now. Not for long though.