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Happy 12th Anniversay at Pizzeria Mozza

8.5th of April is our 12th anniversary!

Why 8.5th? Because one of us said it's 8th, another said 9th, so 8.5th it is.

It's been a while we didn't eat out for celebration. We decided to go Marina Bay Sands. Initially we wanted to go Au Chocolat but I only found out that it has moved out from MBS when I wanted to make a call for reservation.

Then, we decided to try Pizzeria Mozza. If you watched The Master Chef, the bold guy who looks more intimidating than Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich is one of the owner of this restaurant.

Here's what we ordered.

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This.is.simply.AMAZING! We really really love this. I didn't take down the name of the dish, I thought I will be able to find out from the menu online but I was wrong! It wasn't in the menu online. So I will try my best to tell you what's in it instead. There are avocado, sungold tomato, prosciutto. That's the best I can do. It's superb! This dish cost us $17. I will want to order again!

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This is fett'unta, it's garlic bread. It's fragrant but a little too salty. But it's just way too big so it really took us some time to finish it. Lots of chewing, so tiring. This cost us $7.

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Pizza (of course!)

Again, my bad I thought I can find the name from the online menu. No, it was a huge mistake. Again, I'll try my best to recall what's in it, there are bacon (obviously), asparagus, green peas, green onions, on cream sauce based instead of conventional tomato based. This is real good too! We just love it. This dish cost $30.

Usually you'll feel a little guilty of eating a big meal. But not for this. There's lots of fibers in this big meal, I actually feel healthy :)

The restaurant was packed even at 3pm, so make your reservation before you go. I'd really love to go again, I miss my antipasti already!

(By the way, the photos were taken with my new X30, I'm satisfied with the quality. The restaurant was very dark, I've used ISO1600.)

Feed the Mommy——面线汤

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简单,快速,清淡,有营养,可以减肥 :)


Feed the Mommy——药材鸡面线汤 Herbal Chicken with Mee Sua

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  1. 超市买的药材鸡汤一包
  2. 鸡腿
  3. 小白菜
  4. 面线
  1. 把鸡腿洗净,和药材鸡汤的材料一起煮(依据包装上面的指示)。我本身懒惰看火,所以用slow cooker。
  2. 把面线和小白菜烫过,再过冷水。
  3. 把面线、菜、鸡腿和鸡汤倒进碗里,就是一餐!太容易了!



Fujifilm X30

NO, I didn't convert from Nikon to Fujifilm.

NO, I didn't change to a new system.

I'm still pretty much in love with my Nikon D7000 which I've been using since 2011. And I'm keeping it no matter what. 

I recently bought a Fujifilm X30 because I need a small camera. We booked air tickets to go for a one week holiday as a new family. Even if you try to dare me to bring my Nikon gears, I will just give up and lose the bet. I can't imagine carrying a 7kg baby in front and another 3-4kg of gears on a sling camera bag, and another diaper bag at my back. I think I'll need physiotherapy after that. 

I was looking at Fujifilm X100T initially, dreaming of it every day and night. But I ended up with X30. Plainly for one reason, $. I could buy two X30 if I bought X100T. X100T is even more expensive than my D7000. After I came into my senses, I chose X30. (I'm on non paid leave now, no money to spend on such luxury items!)

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Fujifilm X30, taken with my Nikon D7000 in photobox

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The dials

I have only tried to use it a few times now. I'm not gonna write a review for it, there are tonnes of it on the internet which covers everything in such professional way. (How did we buy gears years ago I wonder?)

I'll just tell you what I love of the camera. I love the Classic Chrome mode. One thing I hate about current modern cameras and all the fancy modes they provide. Seriously, they're useless to me. Except for this classic chrome. I miss the good old days, where we printed out our photos. They look simply fantastic. Classic Chrome creates the effect on your digital photos, which was nice in my opinion.

What I hate? The RAW FILE FORMAT!!!! ARGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Fujifilm uses a completely different raw file format than the others. My photoshop could not open it! I am currently using fujifilm software to edit but they're not as nice as photoshop. I'm seeking for solutions! If you have any suggestions, please help me!

I might regret some time down the road, that why I bought this but not the better X100T? I'll just keep reminding myself, it's double the price!

Feed the Mommy——肉丁土豆饭

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  1. 五花肉,切成丁
  2. 半个土豆,切丁
  3. 2-3瓣蒜头,剁碎
  4. 一汤匙酱青
  5. 少许胡椒
  6. 米饭

  1. 切丁的五花肉用酱青和胡椒腌制,至少20分钟。
  2. 热锅,爆炒蒜头(用麻油效果更好),再加入五花肉,然后再加土豆,爆炒几分钟。
  3. 把米倒入锅,一起翻炒一分钟。把所有材料倒入饭锅。
  4. 加水。如果平时煮饭的米和水比例是一对一,煮一锅熟的水要多一格。






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Feed the Mommy——Teriyaki Chicken捞面



上回做的slow cooker teriyaki chicken,因为略咸,这一次想再做,而且,不再配饭吃了,觉得捞面挺适合的。也不把酱thicken,直接把它捞进soba里,挺好吃。

Teriyaki Soba


我买了两只鸡腿,把鸡腿、蒜头、teriyaki酱、蜜糖、水一起加入slow cooker,煮四个小时。午餐时间到,把小白菜切成小丁,把水滚开,soba面下锅煮4分钟,把小白菜倒入再煮1分钟。取出鸡腿,把鸡肉撕开,再把酱捞上,就是一顿丰富的午餐+晚餐。

而且,这样吃也很经济,午餐+晚餐还不到$5,多好啊 :)


I Just Don't Fancy a Jab

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Please, let this be over

The first six months of a baby's life is full of vaccinations. For everything you can name and you can't name.

And those things, can be a family's nightmare.

Baby doesn't like his jab (who likes it anyway), bringing him to one is kind of torture for all parties. And the worst part is always the after math. Sometimes, he develop fever after the jab and refuse to eat for several days. That was so much pain in the ass (for his case, it's the thigh) for us.

I'm glad it's all over now for the first 6 months. The next major one will be another 6 months away. Phewww...

Besides, we're finally back to Singapore again. This time, without my mom. Time for a disciplined life.