It's Sunday again!
Like some other Sundays when the Man stays at home, we try to wake up earlier to make breakfast. Or sometimes we take turn to wake up earlier to make breakfast.
Ever since the lunch in Drips Bakery Cafe on Friday, I fall in love with the mustard so much, I tried to remake a somewhat similar smoked salmon sandwich that I had in the cafe.
First, I spreaded a little of the mustard on one side of the sandwich and left another side empty. Then, I put them into the oven which was preheat to 200 Celcius.
Pre-toasted bread
While I was waiting for the bread to toast, I washed the lettuce, cooked an egg omelette, prepare the sauce to spread on the smoked salmon. The Man never like smoked salmon which was too salty. I wasn't sure about the one that I bought, so I created a sauce on my own, hoping to counter the saltiness of the salmon. I mixed a little honey into mayonnaise and spread them on the salmon. I though the work well :D
Half of the sandwich
Half of the sandwich
The breakfast!
I covered the salmon with more lettuce, spread more mustard on the bread, dressed the egg omelette with basil leaves. Tadaa!
My Sunday breakfast!
Anyway, this was one expensive breakfast. The smoked salmon itself cost me about $9. Man! No wonder the cafe charged me $15.80 for a sandwich which was probably double the size of what I made.
But still, I like trying food outside, cause that way I could learn more food to be tried out at home :)