
Siam Paragon

My last day in Bangkok was fully dedicated to shopping. We shop in Pratunam Day Market, Platinum, Isetan and Siam Paragon. I didn't bring my camera along, hence the only two photos that I'm sharing here, were taken by Yee Hau.

We had our lunch in Siam Paragon food court. Man! The decoration does not look like a food court to me at all, at least when I compare with Singapore shopping malls' food court. The food? Fantastic! I like the Pad Thai so much! And it was SO delicious, even the fishes want to eat that! :)

There goes the end of my trip to Bangkok. It is a very chaotic place, not for a total relaxation, but just nice for me. As I like chaotic place like this, crazy huh? :P


从River Kwai回来以后,我们在酒店梳洗,然后到Chinatown去。在那儿走啊走的,我们很是失望,完全是个不值得去的地方,街上除了都是一样的海鲜摊、燕窝、鱼翅、糖水,什么都没有。不爽!不过,还是有奇事发生了。我们看见一头小象!主人带着小象,让游客拍照,然后赚钱……可怜的小象。





River Kwai

I don't have much to talk about River Kwai as my knowledge of this place is closed to zero. I came to know about this place through a movie my father once watched and talked about, "The Bridge on the River Kwai".

The only surprise I had, was I don't know the trains are still using the bridge! I felt lucky for not walking on the bridge yet when the train came along... Pheww...

It'll be better if she wasn't holding a camera

Yee Hau thinks it looks like "chat zhai"

Met this dog when I was walking on the bridge

Tiger Temple (Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua)

Tiger Temple位于Khanchanaburi,距离曼谷大约有2.5小时的路程。入门票300baht,想把老虎的头放在脚上、想同老虎一起睡在地上就得捐出1000baht。对了,本小姐都做了……各位想看老虎的朋友也别忘了穿上有袖子的衣服,别像我一样被砍了一件T恤。





The Floating Market (Damnoen Saduak)

I bet everybody had heard of floating market before. There are a lot of floating market in Thailand itself, there are some that only operate on weekend morning in Bangkok itself. Lots of tourists being cheated by travel agencies to such floating market.

So, please take note, the 100 year old floating market that you would want to visit is not in Bangkok. It is located at Damnoen Saduak, west of Bangkok. And the journey from Bangkok would take about 1.5hour. Take note of this.

I took a day tour that brought us to floating market, tiger temple and bridge of River Kwai. I was afraid that I would be cheated by travel agencies, so before I flew, I read a lot of travel blogs and forums to find out what is the reasonable price for such a tour. I found that a reasonable price is 1,500baht.

I've got my tour at 1,400 baht per person without any bargaining. I was surprised. I tried to bargain for lower price but failed. When we're in the mini van, I found out from all the other AngMohs were paying at least 2,500baht. Pheww... I was lucky.

Floating Market is nothing but CHAOS! There is always very bad traffic jam, so remember to keep your fingers off from the edge of the boat. Our boat was constantly being pushed and pulled away. It was fun though, to see how people make business.

I didn't get to eat on the boat like Kia Hooi did. I just don't want to risk my DSLR. Hahaha...

Look at the striking red of this boat!

The decoration on the boat

Even nicer decoration

We bought food when we get off from the boat

The delicious goreng pisang recommended by Kia Hooi

Serious traffic jam down there

Just can't get enough of the pisang

A weird view that I don't understand why I would take that

On the boat that provided by tour agencies

In our mini van, waiting to depart to next destination

When you're on the boat, looking around the neighbourhood. Please remember to watch out of anything being thrown out from the houses. Yee Hau had almost hit by a bag of rubbish that was being tossed from a window! We shouted so loud, I bet people were laughing! Hahaha! Just beware :P

Next destination: Tiger Temple


Wat Arun (The Temple of Dawn)

从Wat Pho出来以后,我们先到7-11歇脚,借冷气,喝水。然后,就在Chao Phraya River边缘的店屋走走。不小心走进了一条小巷(放心,这回没看见什么),黑暗中有把声音说:"Take photo 20baht"。原来,不小心来到别人家的后巷,后巷就那么巧在Wat Arun的正对面。大概是好多摄影发烧友让这位大姐赚了不少钱吧。不过,这一带的生活和卫生条件确实很差。可是,我并没让他赚那笔小钱,而走了。

在不远的Tha Tien Pier买了船票,一个人才3.5baht。就这样,我们渡河去。

下了Wat Arun Pier看见这告示牌。老兄,你放心吧,我不想自杀,我不会吸酒的。

Wat Arun的梯级,可能有接近45度吧。上下楼梯都是件困难且危险的事,况且,我是带着这么一个大个的相机。不过,当我看见来来往往的旅客时,我就不觉得自己厉害了。有人背小孩、有人带老人、有人还带着一大堆摄影器材……我那小小的E510算得了什么。只好勇敢往上爬!



Wat Arun唯一的合照


In the name of art...

好不容易让我拖啊拖的,终于都6点了。我们再买船票,回到Tha Tien去等日落。

Tha Tien jetty

The sun had finally set... But...

Wat Arun顶上的云层太低太厚,夕阳的光线完全不能把这漂亮的古迹染成红色。我非常不死心的站在对岸等,等待一阵大风把云层吹走。结果,一等就等到7点。我只好放弃。肚子实在太饿了!




从Isetan出来,发现那几滴毛毛雨简直是骗人的。也因为迟了,我们也取消了到Pat Pong的念头。在Pratunam Night Market走走。发现,这里的东西大致上比好多地方便宜,也不怎么需要砍价。那不是更好吗?



Floating Market


Wat Pho

从Grand Palace出来以后,我们想到Kao San Road去感受一下背包客的天堂,顺便想用午餐。谁知,我俩上了“贼车”,被带到什么Standing Buddha,珠宝店等。最炸得的不是我们的贼车,毕竟兜风兜那么久也不过是50Baht,而是在庙的后巷看见的事情。我这个人就是鸡婆,反正你都把我载到这里来了,不是四周围看看咯。结果,我大概是推开了一扇从来都没人开的门,竟撞破两人的好事!真是天下什么奇事都有!竟有人在庙的后门……




在Kao San游荡了很久,也不小心就荡出了这个地方,我们叫了Tuk Tuk, 往Wat Pho出发。

Wat Pho说穿了不过是个睡佛。收费也不便宜,外地人看一个睡佛要付50Baht。不过既然来了,当然是看看。在庙里竟碰到两只猫在……而且很久,竟有游客就坐在那儿一直看。今天到底是干嘛?!





