Yes, just walking into the classroom leisurely with new Mickey backpack |
We've been waiting for this day to happen, to see our son walks independently. He is currently 2 years and 3 months old.
Have you seen movies where the parents were so happy when the baby makes the first step? Yea, it's not like what I have ever imagined. Our baby boy never did make a clear line of when was the day he finally took his first step.
He's been cruising around since... I can't even remember. He's been cruising long enough. And when I brought him to Sydney, he walked if I held his two hands behind him, he even chased seagulls like that. And then slowly we held one hand. And, we stuck at that stage for a very long time too. Then one fine day, he walked two steps towards me when I'm helping him to work out and warm up his muscles. And that too, we were stuck there for a long time.
And then two steps became three, became five, became ten, gradually. And finally this year, he walks into the classroom on his own. From the beginning of the year till this Wednesday, he still needed a lot of encouragement. I always drop him early, always one of the earliest to reach the center. And teachers are still not occupied at that time, and they form such an entourage. One will be helping him with his stuffs (parents are not allowed to accompany the child into the classroom), one will be in front of him to encourage him, to assure him that if he falls she'll be there, one will be at the side, one at the classroom calling his name etc. It is always a BIG thing when he walks in, every single time.
And this Wednesday, as I was talking to the director of the center, the teacher told me, he's already in the room. Whoa! That's my boy! And I thought, the backpack I ordered last month can finally be in good use! I've been waiting for this moment! This backpack is to symbolise that he finally made it, on his own! But unlike the movie, no tears, no drama, just simply happy and grateful.
Grateful that it finally happens! Grateful that it pays off, all our effort! Grateful that we've got all these helps from therapists and teachers!
Good job my boy! Good job!