Happy Mother's Day
In the past 31 months of being a mother, I have never really thought too much about future. It struck me the other day when I was in shower, that these two babies in the house are going to stick with me forever! Like how my mom is stuck with us.
Family, a group of people whom we grow up with, without ever given a choice.
You can unfriend a friend.
You can befriend an enemy.
You can breakup with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
You can divorce your partner.
You can resign from you employer.
You can hate an idol you used to love.
There are so many relationships in your world that you can chose to be involved, but not family. And of all, the bond between a parent to children has to be the most intimate of all.
Whether she's a terrible mother or a terrific mother, she's always going to be your mother, forever.
Whether he's a terrible father or a terrific father, he's always going to be your father, forever.
Whether your children are naughty or nice, they will always be your children, forever.
No return policy. Not even customer service to complain.
As a relatively new mother, just a few months shy from 3 years, I really hope I did okay and will do better! And I know everybody says the same and I'm still going to say it, you only realised how much your mother went through when you're one!
Happy Mother's Day!
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